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Molluscs and Mussels of the Dnieper Kiev Ukraine

The Dnieper is one of the major rivers of Europe and flowing through Russia, Belarus and Ukraine to the Black Sea. The river is part of the Quagga mussel's native range. The mussel has been accidentally introduced around the world where it has become an invasive species. During my stay in Kiev (Ukraine) I saw some other mussels and molluscs. I'm not an expert and its difficult for me to differ the several species. So, I would be very pleased if you can help me with the identification of the species below. Please send me an eMail to info@easydive24.de. Thank you!

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Reisebericht Baikalsee

In the summer of 2018 together with four other divers from Adlershof diving club, I made my way to one of the best freshwater diving spots in the world: Lake Baikal in eastern Russia. We had been told many times about the lake’s excellent visibility, its incredible drop offs and the unique fauna and flora living there. About two thirds of animal species that reside in its water are said to be endemic. Nothing to do with diseases, it means they live exclusively in Lake Baikal. If you take this into account, its obvious that we had high expectations for our diving trip to Siberia. [more]

Diving Lake Baikal Diving Lake Baikal Diving Lake Baikal

Anemones, Angelfishes, Barracudas, Butterflyfishes, Clownfishes, Corals, Crabs, Damselfishes, Eels, Frogfishes, Flounders, Ghostpipefishes, Groupers, Grunts, Hawkfishes, Jellyfishes, Lobster, Moray eels, Nudibranch, Parrotfishes, Pipefishes, Porcupinefishes, Pufferfishes, Scorpionsfishes, Sea Horses, Sharks, Shrimps, Snapper, Soldierfishes, Sponges, Stingrays, Surgeonfishes, Sweetlips, Triggerfishes, Trunkfishes , Umberfishes, Worms,Wrasses, Whales

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Please help to identify unknown fish and corals
Advice for fishkeeping. Fish, corals, plants or other marine life - your questions answered. Send a picture to info[at]easydive24.de and we will help to identify your fish. [more]
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